2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 149

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Human Rights and Conflict Studies (HR)
Sandra L. Sprayberry, Program Coordinator
The minor in human rights and conflict studies provides students
with critical skills and perspectives necessary for creating a more just
and peaceful society. Students have the opportunity to learn about
social movements and their contemporary legacies through literary
representation, historical accounts, and political policy. The skills and
perspectives acquired after completing the minor will benefit students
who plan to pursue graduate study or a career in business, government,
education, public service or advocacy and development work.
Major Requirements
No major is offered in human rights and conflict studies.
Minor Requirements
The following courses are required (5¼ units):
four units, one from each of the following areas of study:
EH 228 Ourselves and Others: Gender, Race, and Class
in Literature
EH 227 From Suffrage to Cyborgs: 20
Century Feminism(s)
and The Novel
EH/HI/HON 230 Plural America I
EH/HI/HON 231 Plural America II
EH 329 Slavery and the Literary Imagination
EH 395 Contemporary International Fiction
EH 425 Introduction to Performance Theory
EH 384 Literature of the American Indian
HON 224 Crucible Steel: Creative Expression and Human
RE 299 Race and the Bible
RE 390 Violence and the Bible
Historical and Social Context
HI 120 The History of Terrorism
HI 210 U.S. Women’s History
HI 250 Topics in the History of Terrorism
IDS 200 Introduction to Human Rights
PL 253 Ethical Theory
PL 300 Postmodernism
PS 330 Civil Rights and Liberties
PS 368 Political Violence
PS/PY 369 Political Psychology
PS 434 Introduction to International Human Rights Law
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