2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 95

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Classics (CL) and Classical Languages (GK) (LA)
Classics studies Greco-Roman antiquity from prehistory to the end
of the Roman Empire. As an interdisciplinary field, Classics synthesizes
the disciplines of language and literature, history, art history, philosophy,
religion and anthropology. By studying classical material, one gains an
understanding and appreciation of ancient cultures which continue to
influence our own.
Students not only study primary materials, such as ancient texts and
archaeological remains, but learn to integrate a variety of materials. The
ability to synthesize materials provides the student with an intellectual
foundation leading to graduate work in a variety of fields.
Courses in support of the minor are available through Birmingham-
Southern, the Sunoikisis program through NITLE, BACHE courses, and ACS
affiliated overseas programs.
Sunoikisis, the Associated Colleges of the South Classics and
archaeology program, began in 1995 to augment the curriculum of ACS
schools with small Classics departments. In 2006 the Sunoikisis initiative
became a national project as it came under the auspices of NITLE, the
National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. Sunoikisis courses
and study-travel opportunities may be used for Classics minors in classical
civilization and in Latin (
Language placement level will be determined in consultation with
Classics faculty.
Major Requirements
No major is offered in Classics.
Minor Requirements
Minor in Classical Civilization
The following courses are required (6 units):
two units of either Greek or Latin
four elective units in classical language, literature, archaeology, art,
history, philosophy or culture from the following:
any additional GK or LA course
ARH 215, ARH 311, CL 211, CL 301, EH 280, PL 251
senior Exploration term project (499) study in Greece
or Italy when there is substantial focus on classical
courses in Latin and archaeology available through the
Sunoikisis program
relevant courses available through the BACHE program with
approval from the Classics faculty
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