



Community Partners


Birmingham-Southern College
Community Partner Agencies

The agencies linked below represent community partners with whom students, faculty and staff at 澳门新葡京官网 collaborate.  Agencies address a wide range of social needs. We have organized the list according to the following areas of interest:

  • Children, Youth, and Education
  • Elder Care
  • Environment, Outdoors, Animals 
  • Community Development and Action 
  • Food Justice 
  • Health and Wellness 
  • Housing/Homelessness 
  • Special Needs Care 


Community Partners:


    Children, Youth, and Education 

    Alabama Possible  是一个全州范围的非营利组织,通过倡导来打破通往繁荣的障碍吗, education, and collaboration. 

    Birmingham Education Foundation  致力于增加伯明翰城市学校即将升入大学的学生数量, career, and life readiness. 

    Books to Prisons-Alabama  supports and facilitates the education of people who are incarcerated. 

    Bush Hills STEAM Academy  is a STEAM middle school offering a challenging academic curriculum, six unified arts options, and a wide range of extracurricular and leadership opportunities; Bush Hills is adjacent to the 澳门新葡京官网 campus. 

    Build Up 是否存在一种劳动力发展模式,通过与行业相关的中学和早期高等教育学术课程的有偿学徒制,为低收入青年提供职业技能. 

    Desert Island Supply Company  是一个针对伯明翰学生的非营利性创意写作项目,提供免费的课后工作坊和校内项目. 

    Girls, Inc.  offers after-school programming for girls in grades 1-8, including reading, life skills, economic literacy, and sports with the goal of inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. 

    NorthStar Soccer Ministries  通过提供一个整体的高质量足球俱乐部,促进邻里青少年生活的投资机会, Christian environment.  

    STAIR of Birmingham (Start the Adventure in Reading) 旨在通过一对一的辅导提高二年级学生的阅读能力和自尊. 

    YouthServe promotes youth volunteerism and leadership, 为年轻人提供工具,使他们在社区中产生积极的影响.



    Elder Care

    McCoy Adult Day Care  提供高质量的现场成人日托服务,包括监督, health screening, nutrition, therapeutic activities, exercise and lots of love; McCoy is adjacent to the 澳门新葡京官网 campus.  

    Oak Knoll Health and Rehabilitation Center  一个熟练的护理和康复机构是否能让病人享受到各种各样的活动, including weekly Bingo; volunteers are paired with a resident for regular visits. Oak Knoll is two blocks south of 澳门新葡京官网’s campus.


    Environment, Outdoors, Animals 

    Bush Hills Community Garden and Urban Farm  于2019年在前伍德罗·威尔逊小学(Woodrow Wilson Elementary School)的土地上成立,旨在消除粮食不安全,促进居民和游客更健康的生活方式.  

    Greater Birmingham Humane Society 通过教育、宣传和服务促进人道对待人和动物. 

    Red Mountain Park  is a 1,500 acre public urban park that encloses a 4.5英里长的红山,一个穿过伯明翰的突出山脊.  

    Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve is a 1,位于杰斐逊县东部的自然保护区占地4040英亩,其使命是在快速变化的世界中促进对生态学的理解. 

    澳门新葡京官网’s Southern Environmental Center is the largest educational facility of its kind in Alabama, dedicated to showing individuals how they can protect and improve their local environments through an nteractive Museum and the Hugh Kaul EcoScape garden; located on the 澳门新葡京官网 campus. 

    Turkey Creek Nature Preserve 一个466英亩的保护区是由淡水土地信托基金和阿拉巴马州的“永远的荒野”项目合作建立的吗. 南方环境中心管理着保护区的环境教育中心.  



    Community Development and Action

    Ensley Alive  是一场致力于伯明翰西部恩斯利社区复兴的运动.  《澳门新葡京官网》试图呈现一种与广泛持有的信念相反的叙事, stereotypes and misinformation about the community.  

    Greater Birmingham Ministries  is a multi-faith, 多种族组织,为有需要的人提供紧急服务,并使穷人和非穷人参与系统性变革努力,以建立一个强大的, supportive, engaged community and pursue a more just society for all people.   

    HICA (Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama) educates immigrant communities about their rights, supports and mobilizes youth, 并与与边缘化社区合作的盟友合作,团结一致反对仇恨.  

    Invisible Histories Project  serves as a repository for the preservation of the history of LGBTQ life, first in the state of Alabama, and then the entire Southeast; the archive preserves, collects, and protects the living history of the diversity of the Queer community. 

    Jefferson County Memorial Project  是一个致力于研究杰斐逊县30名种族恐怖受害者及其后代的草根联盟吗, educating the public on the importance of this history, placing historical markers at lynching sites, 并从蒙哥马利的国家和平与正义纪念馆取回杰斐逊县纪念碑.  

    Smithfield-Dynamite Hill Community Land Trust  是一个以社区为主导的倡议,以伯明翰历史悠久的史密斯菲尔德社区为中心,建立一个社区土地信托,以支持低收入者永久负担得起的住房所有权, community-based business development, food sovereignty, and popular education. 

    Urban Ministry, Inc.  是一个以信仰为基础的非营利组织,通过倾听社区的声音,向西区社区的每个人提供同情和完整的机会吗, engaging their gifts and strengths, and building programs that affirm their dignity as children of God.  

    YWCA of Central Alabama  通过在经济适用房方面的工作,寻求创造一个更有爱心的社区, 为无家可归者和贫困工作家庭的儿童提供高质量的儿童发展项目, domestic violence services, and social justice programming.  



    Food Justice

    Community Food Bank of Central Alabama  为今天有需要的人提供粮食,并促进合作解决方案,以消除明天的饥饿. 

    Community Ministries at Highlands UMC offers a hospitality hour Monday through Saturday to serve breakfast, provide mail, laundry, 以及为伯明翰南区无家可归者和没有食物保障的人提供法律服务. 

    Jones Valley Teaching Farm  鼓励通过食物、农业和烹饪艺术进行学术探索和成就.


    Health and Wellness

    Cahaba Valley Health Care  为杰斐逊县和谢尔比县有经济需要的人提供牙科和视力服务, while maintaining dignity, respecting cultural diversity, and strengthening the community.                  

    M-Power Ministries  向没有医疗保险的成年病人提供免费初级保健服务, helping to alleviate chronic illnesses.  

    The Crisis Center of Birmingham 为经历个人危机或心理健康问题的人提供未满足的需求,并提供促进应对的服务, emotional health, and well-being.



    First Light Women’s Shelter  located in downtown Birmingham, 提供该地区唯一的紧急避难所,每天24小时接受无家可归的妇女和家庭. 

    Habitat for Humanity 通过住所帮助家庭建立力量、稳定和自力更生.  

    One Roof  是阿拉巴马州中部无家可归者连续关怀的协调机构吗.


    Special Needs Care

    The Bell Center  致力于最大限度地发挥从出生到三岁有发育迟缓风险的儿童的潜力. 

    The Exceptional Foundation  通过提供旨在促进健康生活的社会和娱乐活动,提高所有年龄有发展障碍的个人的生活质量, support social relationships, improve functional skills, and foster community involvement.


We're available to help with any needs.
Contact the Krulak Institute at 205-226-7717 or at [email protected]