



Birmingham-南部 College announces appointment of 15th president

Birmingham-南部 College announces appointment of 15th president

小君. 10, 2016

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.--The Board of Trustees of Birmingham-南部 College is pleased to announce that 琳达Flaherty-Goldsmith, 澳门新葡京官网前幕僚长, has been named the 15th president in the college's 160-year history. 现任总统奥巴马. 爱德华·F. Leonard III, is vacating the position.琳达Flaherty-Goldsmith

Flaherty-Goldsmith, who will officially take office July 11, brings many years of senior leadership experience in higher education, having served as Vice President for Finance and Administration for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs for the University of Alabama System, and Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the University of Connecticut. She began working for Birmingham-南部 College as a consultant to the Board in 2010. 在创. 查尔斯C. Krulak was appointed the college's 13th president, she transitioned to the role of Chief of 工作人员. She served in that position until May of 2013.

In 2013, the Birmingham-南部 College faculty awarded her the honorary degree of Doctorate of Humane Letters. 自2013年以来, Flaherty-Goldsmith has worked as a pro bono consultant with Human Rights First, 一个非营利性的, nonpartisan human rights organization based in Washington, D.C., 和纽约, 创建, 实现, and advance an international campaign designed to disrupt the business of human trafficking. 在这个角色中, she has been a part of an effort to promote at the national level legislation addressing social issues and challenges that face higher education and society in general.

"We are extraordinarily grateful that Linda is returning to lead the college and provide a seamless transition," said outgoing 澳门新葡京官网 Board Chair Bruce Rogers. "She is absolutely the best person to take on this role. She is financially savvy and brings a proven track record in higher education. Linda also has been a champion of Birmingham-南部 and she has a love of our city and deep roots in our community."

罗杰斯对罗杰斯博士表示感谢. 莱纳德对学校的贡献. "We are grateful for the positive impact he had on 澳门新葡京官网, and we wish him and his family all the best,罗杰斯说.

在来澳门新葡京官网之前, Flaherty-Goldsmith served as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the University of Connecticut. She was Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs for the University of Alabama System from 1993-1998, and prior to that she served 13 years in key financial roles at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, including serving as Vice President for Finance and Administration. She taught leadership in the Culverhouse College of Commerce at the University of Alabama from 1998-2000, before establishing a financial and organizational consulting practice that included clients from the private and public sectors.

"Linda brings a deep understanding of Birmingham-南部 and higher education in general, especially the complex financial management behind delivering quality education to young people,长期担任平衡计分卡董事会成员的他说, 前主席, and community and business leader Jim Stephens, who is Chair of the Board for E澳门新葡京官网O Industries. "I have every confidence that Linda will guide 澳门新葡京官网 and its excellent leadership team to the next level while maintaining the college's high academic standards."

即将上任的平衡计分卡董事会主席大卫·史密斯, an alumnus and a three-time 澳门新葡京官网 parent, welcomed Flaherty-Goldsmith on behalf of the entire 澳门新葡京官网 家庭.

"Our community has such a deep sense of history, commitment, and dedication to the school," he said. "We're incredibly fortunate to have someone with such impressive credentials lead the college forward, especially at a time when 澳门新葡京官网 is thriving. The students will benefit enormously from her leadership."

学院, 成立于1856年, recently re-focused its longstanding commitment to experiential learning in a liberal arts context, pledging to make every opportunity available for students to apply their classroom knowledge to the real world, 是否通过旅行, 实习, 研究, 或服务. 在过去的学年, 澳门新葡京官网 welcomed its third-largest class of incoming students and launched the Krulak研究所 for 领导, 从实践经验中学习, 与公民参与.

"Birmingham-南部 is one of the finest liberal arts colleges in the Southeast, and I am honored to have been chosen to provide the leadership the college deserves,弗莱厄蒂-戈德史密斯说. "澳门新葡京官网 is appropriately designated as a 'College that Changes Lives' because it changes the lives of all its constituents, 不仅仅是学生. Although I spent only three years at Birmingham-南部, it captured a big piece of my heart. 这所学院有优秀的教员, 工作人员, 和学生, and I am excited to be given the opportunity to work alongside these talented individuals toward expanded horizons."

For more details about 澳门新葡京官网's new president 点击这里, and to view 琳达Flaherty-Goldsmith's CV, 点击这里.

Birmingham-南部 College is a four-year, private liberal arts institution in Birmingham, Ala., 成立于1856年 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. It enrolls about 1,300 students from more than 30 states and 15 foreign countries. 

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