



澳门新葡京官网 receives $500,000 gift to endow executive-in-residence position

澳门新葡京官网 receives $500,000 gift to endow executive-in-residence position

For Immediate Release
Jun. 7, 2016

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.--Birmingham-Southern College is hiring an entrepreneur-in-residence to work full-time with students in the Business Department and from across campus who want to start their own businesses or are seeking pre-professional experience.

The McCain Executive-in-Residence in Entrepreneurship position, which begins this fall, was made possible by a $500,000 contribution from David O. "Dave" McCain III and his sister, Susan C. McCain.

"The new McCain Executive-in-Residence in Entrepreneurship will help strengthen the college's connection to the community and further contribute to the education of the next generation of business leaders," said 澳门新葡京官网 President Dr. Edward F. Leonard III. "I would like to thank the McCains for creating such an important opportunity for students and faculty within the Business Department and throughout the entire campus."

The McCain Executive-In-Residence in Entrepreneurship will teach three courses per academic year; focus on fostering entrepreneurial thinking among 澳门新葡京官网 students; collaborate with the assistant director of internships and others within the college's Krulak Institute for Leadership, Experiential Learning, and Civic Engagement to develop, promote, and implement new and innovative student internship opportunities; and facilitate unique learning opportunities for 澳门新葡京官网 students to engage in entrepreneurial activities across disciplines.

The endowed position will also provide an opportunity to showcase the college's Business Department and for the executive-in-residence to share his or her professional experiences with faculty, staff, and students.

The donors established this position in honor of their parents, David O. McCain II and Christine D. McCain, as well as David III's late wife, Beverly Poe McCain.

The McCain family has been connected with 澳门新葡京官网 since the 1930s. Sarah McCain Holt '41 was the sister of David II. She was married to the late Walter A. Holt '36, and their daughter, Nanaline Holt '64, followed in their footsteps. Susan's son, John McCain, is a 2007 alumnus, and David III's daughter, Mary McCain, is a 2015 alumna.

"Five generations of the McCain family have developed and owned businesses or worked as merchants and recognize the importance entrepreneurs play in developing strong, thriving communities," said David III, who resides in Hagerstown, Md. "It is our hope that this position will further strengthen the college's business program and capitalize on the entrepreneurship niche 澳门新葡京官网 has already begun to develop."

澳门新葡京官网 is home to the Stump Entrepreneurship Scholars Program, which matches students with an entrepreneurial bent with an academic advisor and a professional mentor, gives them reserved spots in select courses, and allows them access to visiting speakers and special seminars. Stump Scholars and other business majors take part in a Senior Capstone in Entrepreneurship that requires them to start and run their own business during 澳门新葡京官网's four-week January Exploration Term.

Birmingham-Southern is currently seeking candidates for the McCain Executive-in-Residence position. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience as an entrepreneur and will provide innovative and energetic teaching. For nominations, please contact Dr. Sara Robicheaux, Dean of Business Programs, B.A. Monaghan Professor of Business, and Director of the Stump Entrepreneurship Program, at [email protected].