



澳门新葡京官网 Honors Day ceremony recognizes student, 教师, and staff achievement

澳门新葡京官网 Honors Day ceremony recognizes student, 教师, and staff achievement

五月. 11, 2017


阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.--Birmingham-南部 College held its annual Honors Day celebration Thursday, 5月11日, 为了表彰即将毕业的学生, 其他学生, 教师, 以及员工们的学术成就, 领导, 和服务.

的 Honors Day Convocation featured an academic procession, 澳门新葡京官网音乐会合唱团的表演, and inspirational messages for the graduating class. It was followed by the 24th annual Honoring Scholarship Conference, during which students present their research projects and creative endeavors to cap off their undergraduate careers.

在他对2017届毕业生的主题演讲中,牧师. 希尔卡迈克尔, a 2002 澳门新葡京官网 psychology graduate and executive director of the lauded inner-city organization Urban Ministry, talked about how volunteering as a neighborhood tutor while he was a student changed his life path.

“Today I am grateful that Birmingham-南部 helped teach me what is most valuable in life: relationships,卡迈克尔对芒格礼堂的观众说. “Particularly relationships with people who look and live and worship and vote differently than you do. 不是因为我要教他们什么... 而是因为他们可以教我一些东西.”

史蒂夫·布里格斯71, who received 澳门新葡京官网’s Medal of Service Award for his lifetime of extraordinary 服务 to his alma mater, also acknowledged the relationships he developed with professors and friends as a student have helped shape him. He was joined on the stage by 澳门新葡京官网 President Linda Flaherty-Goldsmith, 澳门新葡京官网 Interim Provost Dr. 苏珊·哈根, Student Government Association President and graduating senior Caroline Irby, 特邀博士. 唐纳德·C. 哈里森, whose generous donation established an endowment to support 澳门新葡京官网’s 哈里森 Honors Program, 和其他人.

在颁奖典礼后的下午, students from disciplines across campus presented their senior research projects. Subjects included: a feminist analysis of Beyonce’s 柠檬水; the impact of sleep on athletic performance; a research study on start-up business looking at southern bakeries; a look at efforts to end food deserts in Ensley; poster presentation in the natural and social sciences; artistic exhibitions and presentations; and musical performances.

Campus-wide honors bestowed at the ceremony included:

  •  唐纳德·C. 哈里森荣誉计划高级奖 识别一个, 或者是一小群人, of its senior members in the Honors Program who show overall academic excellence and a commitment to interdisciplinary study: 达拉Eloubeidi
  •  Hess Center for 领导 and Service Distinction in 领导 Studies Award is given to students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity, 对改善社会的承诺, 以及为他人服务的意愿:玛拉·斯卡伯勒
  •  威廉·莱格奖 is presented to a senior student-athlete who plans to attend graduate school: Ethan Arnold
  •  Alpha Lambda Delta图书奖 recognizes graduating members of the national honor society with the highest grade point average: Allison Young
  •  Alpha Lambda Delta奖学金 is given to outstanding junior members of the national honor society: Allison Dawson
  •  亨利·C. 兰德尔年度顾问奖 is presented to a 教师 or staff member who advises a student organization: Dr. 威廉·霍尔特
  •  Student Center for the Public Trust “Campus Being a Difference” Student Award honors an individual who exhibits personal values and actions that demonstrate integrity and ethics: Matthew Lovell
  •  Student Center for the Public Trust “Campus Being a Difference” 教师 Award honors an individual who exhibits personal values and actions that demonstrate integrity and ethics: Prof. 约翰·利特尔·威尔逊,1999年
  •  卓越图书馆研究奖 is presented to a first- or second-year student who submits a 南部 Academic Review paper that best shows the breadth, 深度, 对研究的理解:汉娜·斯科菲尔德
  •  Nancy and Billy McDonald Outstanding Servant Leader Award is presented to an outstanding servant and leader: 达拉Eloubeidi
  •  达德利·朗领导奖 is established by the SGA to recognize a group or student whose efforts during the year added to campus life: Tracey Vu
  •  总统服务奖 is presented to members of the campus community who show commitment, 字符, 服务, 领导力:博士. Sara Robicheaux ’97, Caroline Irby, Queenie Hawkins, 澳门新葡京官网 Phonathon team, Fay Morton, and Dr. 苏珊·哈根
  •  Turnipseed-Ikenberry奖学金 是颁发给物理系大三学生的吗, 数学, or history with outstanding academic achievement: Edmund White
  •  欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕卓越教学奖 recognizes a 教师 member who has attained excellence in all aspects of teaching: Dr. 玛丽亚Stadnik
  •  联合卫理公会模范教师奖 is given to the 教师 member who is well-respected by his colleagues: Dr. 芭芭拉Domcekova
  •  Richebourg Gaillard McWilliams 教师 Scholarship Award is given to an outstanding 教师 member who has excelled in scholarship: Dr. 杰森·希顿
  •  Hubbs奖 recognizes a student who exemplifies academic excellence and selfless 服务: Kayla Smith
  •  罗伯特·休林·杰克逊成就奖 is given to the graduating student who has shown the greatest academic improvement and made a distinguished record in his or her junior and senior years: Marilyn Rowell
  •  Robert Hewlin Jackson Meritorious Scholarship Award recognizes students whose overall record places them at the top of their graduating class: Allison Young
  •  查尔斯·B. 韦尔大学研究员计划 provides stipends or academic credit for students to serve as teaching or research partners with 教师: Thomas Baugh, 达比伯吉斯, 劳拉·科利尔, 劳埃德·多伊尔, 康纳海耶斯, 卡罗琳·海德, 印度的七弦琴克里希南, Caralyn巴顿, 艾米Pecot, 亚当·普拉特, 赌注Rebic, 和亨利·斯蒂芬森
  • 九名即将毕业的大四学生被选为 Phi Beta Kappa, 全国学术荣誉学会, 今年春天:凯瑟琳·鲍尔斯, 詹姆斯•柯林斯, 坦纳迪克森, 达拉Eloubeidi, 大卫Goodloe, 卡罗琳·海德, 肖恩·莫兰, 亚当·普拉特, 和弗朗西斯·威廉姆斯

Birmingham-南部 College is a four-year, private liberal arts institution in Birmingham, Ala., founded in 1856 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. It enrolls about 1,300 students from more than 30 states and 15 foreign countries.