



Honors Day recognizes student, 教师, and staff achievement

Honors Day recognizes student, 教师, and staff achievement

五月. 10, 2018

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.—Birmingham-南部 College held its annual Honors Day celebration on Thursday, 5月10日, 为了表彰即将毕业的学生, 其他学生, 教师, 以及员工们的学术成就, 领导, 和服务.

开学典礼.jpg的 Honors Day Convocation featured an academic procession, 澳门新葡京官网音乐会合唱团的表演, and inspirational messages for the graduating class. It was followed by the 25th annual Honoring Scholarship Conference, during which students present their research projects and creative endeavors to cap off their undergraduate careers.

在2018届毕业生的主题演讲中. David Yokum, a 2006 澳门新葡京官网 biology graduate and founding director of 实验室@ DC他是华盛顿特区的一个应用研究团队.C., talked about how a liberal arts education forces you to curate your life by absorbing new experiences and ideas.

“现在, you must decide whether you’ll continue with a liberal arts life, and how you’ll curate your life toward the right balance of résumé and eulogy virtues with exploration,尤库姆在芒格礼堂对人群说. “这将是艰难的,但这是完全值得的.”

He was joined on the stage by 澳门新葡京官网 President Linda Flaherty-Goldsmith, Provost Dr. Bradley Caskey, Student Government Association President Toby White, Chaplain Rev. Julie Blackwelder Holly ’01, and Professor of Music Dr. 杰奎琳Leary-Warsaw.

During the afternoon following the awards ceremony, students from disciplines across campus presented their senior research projects. Subjects included: meditation and its effects on the human brain, 促进可持续农业的食谱, and a research study on the private prison system and mass incarceration in America. 的re were also media and film studies presentations, 音乐表演, 还有一个学生受伤的艺术展览正在展出.

Campus-wide honors bestowed at the ceremony included:

  • 的 唐纳德·C. 哈里森荣誉计划高级奖recognizes one or more senior members who show overall academic excellence and a commitment to interdisciplinary study: Mirella Dankova
  • 的 Hess Center for 领导 and Service Distinction in 领导 Studies Award goes to students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity, 对改善社会的承诺, and a willingness to serve others: Mersedes Engle and Kelsey Peake
  • 的 威廉·莱格奖 is presented to a senior student-athlete who plans to attend graduate school: Alana Owens
  • 的 Alpha Lambda Delta图书奖recognizes the graduating member of the national honor society with the highest grade point average: Bridget Adams
  • 的 Alpha Lambda Delta奖学金 is given to an outstanding junior member of the national honor society: Margaret DuVall
  • 的 亨利·C. 兰德尔年度顾问奖 is presented to a 教师 or staff member who advises a student organization: Dean of Students Ben Newhouse
  • 的 Student Center for the Public Trust “Campus Being a Difference” Student Award honors an individual who exhibits personal values and actions that demonstrate integrity and ethics: Natalie Daniel
  • 的 Student Center for the Public Trust “Campus Being a Difference” 教师 Award honors an individual who exhibits personal values and actions that demonstrate integrity and ethics: Associate Professor of Religion Dr. 艾米Cottrill
  • 的 卓越图书馆研究奖 is presented to a first- or second-year student who submits a 南部 Academic Review paper that best shows the breadth, 深度, 和对研究的理解:莫莉·麦克丹尼尔
  • 的 Nancy and Billy McDonald Outstanding Servant Leader Award is presented to an outstanding servant and leader: Cayla Bush
  • 的 达德利·朗领导奖 is established by the SGA to recognize a group or student whose efforts during the year added to campus life: 澳门新葡京官网 cheerleading squad
  • 的 总统服务奖 is presented to members of the campus community who show commitment, 字符, 服务, 领导力:克里斯汀·哈珀,92届, director of the Bunting Center for 参与d Study and Community Action; Kayla Smith, student president of the Cross Cultural Committee; and the staff of 澳门新葡京官网 Campus Police
  • 教务长课堂多样性奖 honors a 教师 member who excels in incorporating diversity into his or her instruction and interaction with students: Adjunct Professor of Religion Rev. 比尔Blackerby
  • 的 Turnipseed-Ikenberry奖学金 是颁发给物理系大三学生的吗, 数学, or history with outstanding academic achievement: Mary Hall 
  • 欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕卓越教学奖 recognizes a 教师 member who has attained excellence in all aspects of teaching: Associate Professor of History Dr. 将Hustwit
  • 联合卫理公会模范教师奖 is given to the 教师 member who is well-respected by his colleagues: Professor of Art Pamela Venz
  • Richebourg Gaillard McWilliams 教师 Scholarship Award is given to an outstanding 教师 member who has excelled in scholarship: Assistant Professor of Psychology Dr. 葛丽塔为爱勇敢
  • Hubbs奖 recognizes a student who exemplifies academic excellence and selfless 服务: Mary Newman
  • 的 罗伯特·休林·杰克逊成就奖 is given to the graduating student who has shown the greatest academic improvement and made a distinguished record in his or her junior and senior years: Caroline Santopadre
  • 的 Robert Hewlin Jackson Meritorious Scholarship Award recognizes students whose overall record places them at the top of their graduating class: Bridget Adams and Alec Medd
  • 的 查尔斯·B. 韦尔大学研究员计划 provides stipends or academic credit for students to serve as teaching or research partners with 教师: Taylor Anderson, 泰勒·安德鲁斯, 迈克尔贫瘠的, Sy巴特勒, 汉娜•科利尔, 慈善水垢, 奥利维亚大厅, 阿比盖尔Henken, 杰克逊梅西, 丽贝卡·韦斯顿
  • 16名即将毕业的大四学生被选为 Phi Beta Kappa, 全国学术荣誉学会, 今年春天:安德鲁·布朗, 布雷迪科尔曼, 劳埃德·道尔四世, 拉塞尔•加洛韦, 阿曼达挖槽机, 布列塔尼的手, 威廉·希斯, 凯萨琳Kassis, 卡梅伦米尔斯, Caralyn巴顿, 赌注Rebic, 威廉·赖斯, 李·汤普森, Wenshang王, 爱德蒙白, 还有Neha Yerubandi.





Birmingham-南部 College is a four-year, private liberal arts institution in Birmingham, Ala., founded in 1856 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. It enrolls about 1,300 students from more than 30 states and 8 foreign countries. 在www上了解更多.二元同步通信.edu.



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