





Is it still considered plagiarism if I forget to cite a source in the body of text but include it in my bibliography? 如果是这样,违规的程度有多严重?

It IS considered plagiarism if you forget to cite a source in the body of the text but include it in the bibliography. Why? Neglecting to cite a source within the text of your paper means that your readers assume that the not cited words within the body of the paper are your own. For example, if you wrote a philosophy paper but forgot to cite a philosopher whose ideas you discuss, your professor (who has a PhD in philosophy) would realize that the un-cited ideas were not actually your own and would suspect plagiarism. 即使你把哲学家列入参考书目, 你的教授不知道你论文中出处的位置. 校对,校对,再校对! Try to give yourself at least one day in between writing a paper and turning it in so that you don't accidentally plagiarize.

如果我告诉校园警察我21岁,而实际上我还未成年, 我违反了荣誉守则吗?

Yes, 向校警谎报年龄违反了荣誉守则, 因为守则规定你不能“撒谎”, cheat, or steal." Be honest. Lying to campus police or any other campus official including your RA violates the Honor Code and leads to an Honor Council or Social Council Hearing.


The Council, 学生主任, and any witnesses are the only people who will know about your appearance before the Honor Council. The hearings are completely confidential and you should not tell any people unrelated to the possible violation about your case, 这是违反荣誉准则的吗.


如发现违反规定,将给予停学或开除学籍的处分, 处罚将记在你的记录上. 个人可以向学院院长请愿删除该符号, however such removal is never guaranteed and will not occur prior to an individual’s graduation. You should contact the advisor to the Honor Council for more details and answers to specific questions regarding this issue.


澳门新葡京官网荣誉守则的完整副本可以在学生手册中找到. Student Handbooks are giving out upon arrival at 澳门新葡京官网 and additional copies are available in the Student Services building or online under the 学生发展 link.


The use of test files is not against the Honor Code unless it is prohibited by the professor administering the test.


荣誉委员会由15名成员组成:3名大四学生, 3 juniors, 3 sophomore, 6名"一般"成员,不分阶级. The student government association (SGA) selects the Council with recommendations from graduating Honor Council members. 每个申请人必须完成两个案例研究,这些案例研究是匿名评分的. 任何来自SGA的人都没有资格入选荣誉委员会. 如果理事会出现空缺,理事会将填补空缺.


安理会有许多可供使用的制裁措施. 委员会可以采取行动开除、休学或留校察看. The Council can also decide that the offender should not be allowed to represent the College in any official capacity. 除了这些核心惩罚之外, the Council can recommend other sanctions such as mandatory visits to the writing center, 向受影响的教职员工道歉, 或者咨询会议.


No. 除非教授另有规定, take-home exams are to be completed individually as any other graded assignment would be. 在评分作业上分享答案是违反荣誉守则的, 不管发生在课内还是课外.


Yes. 任何时候你使用别人的话、想法或数据时,你都必须引用它. 尽管网络内容可能看起来没有其他学术出版物那么正式, 它仍然需要引用. It is, at times, 很难确定网络内容的作者身份, 所以如果你不知道如何引用网页内容, 你应该寻求帮助.


If the violation involves class work, you should report the violation to the professor. Report any other type of violation to the President of the Honor Council or 学生主任. 请记住,未能报告违反荣誉守则的行为本身就是一种违反.


Professors are experts in their fields of study and therefore can easily pick out suspicious activity on class assignments, tests, or papers. Often, a plagiarized paper will sound too advanced for an undergraduate student or will contain language structure/style atypical of a certain student. 在作弊的情况下, professors notice similarities between students' test papers or homework assignments. Students are sometimes caught in the act of cheating by another student during in-class exams or on homework assignments.


如果你的写作表达了别人的话, ideas, 或者没有适当引用的数据, 你可能在抄袭. 有时这是偶然发生的. 如果你质疑自己工作的有效性, DO NOT HESITATE to seek help from your professor BEFORE the writing assignment is due!!! 伯明翰南方大学的教授非常乐于接受问题. 如果教授在你交作业前发现了问题, 他或她会为你指出正确的方向.


是的,家庭作业就像考试和论文一样被荣誉守则所涵盖. 不管作业占整个课程分数的比重如何, 荣誉守则涵盖所有类型的学术作业. The Class II system passed by the Student Government Association would most likely be the way to handle a violation of the Honor Code on a homework assignment. 而这种违反行为和其他违反荣誉守则的行为一样严重, 在大多数情况下,家庭作业违规并不会进行全面的听证会.

If your high school had an Honor Code you will probably have a better understanding of how an honor code works, 不过要特别注意了解伯明翰南方大学的不同之处. Most people will find the 澳门新葡京官网 Honor Code to be more expansive and to have greater effect. If you did not go to a high school with an Honor Code or did not have as extensive of training in source citation, 强烈推荐大家参观写作中心.

Students find the Honor Code to be something that will be of great value to them after graduation. Graduate schools and employers know that when they admit/hire a Birmingham-Southern graduate that the education he or she received was fully earned.

如果我在写论文,有一个问题,关于某个特定的部分, line, 或者观点被错误引用, 我应该第一个和谁说话?

Your professor. The best advice though is to take due care to ensure that you leave yourself plenty of time to complete an assignment so that you have plenty of time to consult with your professor if a question arises. Birmingham-Southern professors are very willing to help students with all varieties of issues. 如果你有什么问题,教授是最好的资源. The Writing Center is also a great resource if you find yourself having questions or problems. With that said, please be respectful of your professor's time and schedule a time to meet with your professor individually if that is the best course of action. 写作中心需要预约.

The most common reason that Council members hear for having plagiarized an assignment is lack of time. You are putting undue pressure on yourself if you wait until the last minute to complete and assignment and do not have time to ask questions of professors or make use of other resources, 尤其是在第一年. 利用你的计划, 提前做作业, 如果你认为需要抄袭才能按时完成任务, 你最好不要交作业. 你在那个作业上冒的风险比你的成绩要大得多. Some professors will give an extension if you serious concerns about your ability to complete an assignment, because of tests or papers in other classes or some serious personal problem that is going on. 即使你被允许延期一次, 不要总是期望这样,保持在学习的顶端.