Southern Spring 2014 - page 26

24 / ’southern
Photo byWes Frazer (
Wes Frazer
knows how to turn
photos intofine art.
Frazer has shot for TheWall Street
Journal, TheNewYorkTimes, Garden
&Gunmagazine, and alsoworkedon
theAlabamaGulf Seafood campaign
for BIGCommunications, amongmany
other clients. Hiswork is known for
being creative, Southern-centric, and
detailed. He excels at portraiture and
delights in capturing surfers.
Frazer has adaptedhis talentmainly
for editorial features and commercial
advertisingwork. This photo is from
a series he’s beenworkingon for the
past six years focusingon the traditions
of small townCajunMardiGras,
specifically inLakeArthur, La.
“I come from a fairly large spreadof
family across the country, somyparents
and siblings and I traveledquiteoften,”
says Frazer, who is fromBirmingham.
“When Iwas a teenager, I startedusing
mydad’s cameraon the trips and
became fascinated. Fast forwardmany
years, and I’m still just as fascinated
withmaking imageswith a camera.
Photography is ‘secondnature’ forme
Frazerworked for professional
photographersMelissa Springer and
MarkGoochwhile attending澳门新葡京官网, often
accompanying themon their photo
shoots. He receivedhis BFAdegreewith
a concentration inphotography.
“I tookquite a fewpainting and
sculpture courses at Birmingham-
Southern too that honedmy composition
technique,” says Frazer. “The sculpture
classes reallyhelpedme to slow
down, which greatly improvedmy
After graduating from澳门新葡京官网, he taught
kindergarten and some advanced art
classes for two years at Birmingham’s
HilltopMontessori School before getting
intophotography full-time.
Most of his time is spent traveling and
shooting. Hehas already visited15 states
this year andflew toCalifornia at the
endof April. His photographyhas been
exhibited around the Southeast. His
most recent event tookplace at theOld
280BoogieMusic andArts Festival in
Waverly, Ala., onApril 19.
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