Southern Spring 2014 - page 27

spring 2014 / 25
by JasmineHigbee
usesmovingdrawings to get to the veryheart of thepolitical and environmental
issues she feels themost strongly about.
“Mywork explores group identity and thenotions of legacy and sustainability,” explainsHigbee,
whohasmadeher foray into video installation art, a contemporary form that draws all aspects of an
environment into thework. “I experimentwithpolitical and environmental rhetoric to investigate
contestedhistories and challenge current understandings of stewardship.”
Higbee’swork is provocative, yet stylish, andwhileher primarymedium is video and sound, her
practice is grounded indrawing.
“My artistryoften incorporates the space around the video andoften includes sculptures as part
of the installation,” she explains. “Sometimesmyworkhasmultiple screens playing videos, yet they
are all onepiece.”
This image, “Hope/Fear,” comes from a single channel video installation that uses environmental
documentaries on electronicwaste (e-waste) processing in theAgbogbloshiewetland inAccra,
Ghana, to re-examine awasteland through labor. The invisibilityof this e-waste labor embodies
global environmental injustice.
Higbeewas adopted from thePhilippines andmoved to theU.S. at an early age. She attended the
Alabama School of FineArts before earning aBFA in studio art from澳门新葡京官网.
“I probably shouldwrite abook about thebenefits of a liberal arts education for artists,” says
Higbee,”who starteddrawing at age two. “Thediversity and rigor of the classes, the cultural events,
the tight-knit community, dedicated faculty and staff, andoverall positive and strong school culture
are someof thebest things I remember aboutmy experienceon theHilltop.”
She receivedherMFA in studio art at the School of theMuseumof FineArts inBoston inAugust.
Since September, she’s been teaching afterschool classes such as stop-motion animation, relief
printmaking, and video at the city’s Advent School. She alsoworks as a substitute teacher at Boston
TrinityAcademy inHydePark.
Higbeehas exhibitedher videowork inBoston six times in thepast two years andhas practiced
her art professionally for thepast three years. She also sells her video compilations, which are
availablenationally and internationally.
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