2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 13

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
A Liberal Arts Curriculum
We believe the best educational experiences we can provide for you
are those that allow you to develop skills that will serve you throughout
a lifetime of learning. Consequently, we offer a curriculum founded
upon a rich and acknowledged liberal arts tradition. All of our bachelor
degree programs provide a common foundation of general education
requirements designed to support the educational goals of the College.
You may choose to major in any of the recognized disciplinary or inter-
disciplinary areas or, in consultation with a faculty committee, you may
design your own major to aid in any specific academic interest or goal you
might have. This option for allowing students to participate in designing
their own academic programs is one that we believe not only encourages
enthusiasm and responsibility but also adds to the intellectual vitality of
the College. We also provide for tutorials and independent study in which
you may pursue a topic of special interest in close cooperation with a
faculty member.
There is historically recognized a common body of knowledge and
skills possessed by well-educated people. Our degree requirements are
framed with that body of knowledge and skills in mind, and our courses
are intended to foster and preserve it. At the same time, we work hard to
keep our programs flexible, our courses up-to-date, and our outlook toward
education innovative. Therefore, three other types of learning experience
are available: practicums and internships in off-campus and non-traditional
settings, international experiences, and Exploration term projects.
The College operates on a four-one-four academic calendar, consisting
of a fall term, Exploration term, and spring term. Students typically
enroll in four courses in the fall, one in the Exploration term, and four
in the spring. The Exploration term each January offers students an
opportunity for intense investigation of a particular subject for a period
of approximately four weeks. It may be a project proposed by a faculty
member or one designed personally by you and a faculty sponsor; it may be
held on campus or anywhere off campus, domestic or foreign; it may be an
overall introduction to a subject area or a specialized interest investigated
in depth. Whatever project you choose, Exploration term is a time intended
to provide you with a unique opportunity for creative, experiential, and
independent study.
Statement On Academic Freedom
Birmingham-Southern College adheres to the principles of academic
freedom and tenure expressed in the “1940 Statement of Principles
on Academic Freedom and Tenure” agreed upon by representatives of
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