2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 16

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
individual and group study, research, and instruction. Copying and printing
services are also available. Computer workstations are provided for the use
of library patrons, and wireless Internet access is available throughout the
Professional librarians provide a variety of reference and information
services. They assist students in learning to locate, evaluate, and use
information—in any format—and support them in their research. Library
orientation and instruction classes are taught by librarians to assist students
in developing sound research techniques and information literacy skills.
Staff oversee the maintenance and circulation of the collection and ensure
the smooth operation of the facility.
The Library is a member of several state, regional, and national library
cooperatives and networks, including the Network of Alabama Academic
Libraries (NAAL), the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS), and the
regional library network LYRASIS. Excellent interlibrary loan service is
available to students and faculty. Through an inter-institutional borrowing
agreement, students and faculty of the College may use the libraries at
other academic institutions in the Birmingham area.
Academic Resource Center
In addition to academic support from faculty, the College provides
support through the Academic Resource Center (ARC). ARC includes the
Writing Center, Math Lab, and peer tutoring in most academic subject
areas. These services share a common goal of advancing student academic
success through collaborative learning and peer teaching. ARC services are
offered free of charge to currently enrolled students.
Counseling, Health, and Career Services
The College also provides a Counseling and Health Services Center
staffed and equipped to give assistance in a variety of areas including
personal counseling and basic medical needs, and will provide referrals to
other professionals in the community when appropriate. Career Services
offers testing of aptitudes and vocational interests, and career counseling.
Additionally, the College provides pre-professional guidance through
special advisors in the arts, behavioral and social sciences, church-related
vocations, economics and business administration, education, health
careers, and law.
Student Government
The Student Government Association of Birmingham-Southern College,
chartered to operate under a constitution developed by students, faculty,
and administrators and approved by the Board of Trustees, is to a large
measure responsible for the self-governance of the student body. The SGA
strives to create and to maintain a well-balanced intellectual, educational,
and social program for all students.
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