2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 17

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Honor Code
Members of the Birmingham-Southern College community operate
under an Honor Code, pledging they will not lie, cheat, or steal. One of
the SGA’s most significant responsibilities is the selection of the Honor
Council, which handles any cases involving students who are accused of
violating the Honor Code. If it determines that a student has violated the
Honor Code, the Council imposes appropriate penalties. This process
helps to maintain the academic integrity of the entire college community.
Through this system of self-governance, students play an integral role in
providing a campus atmosphere of profound trust in which each individual
may develop intellectually and socially with maturity and a sense of self-
esteem. Since high standards of conduct are essential for the well-being of
the total community, and since violations could result in penalties ranging
from reprimand to dismissal from the College, the Honor Code is fully
explained during orientation. Students also have available to them at all
times the online
Student Handbook
, which details the provisions of the
Honor Code as well as social regulations and policies.
A Closing Message
Birmingham-Southern College is committed to making an education
that changes lives an affordable reality for all students. Even with an annual
cost of attendance much lower than schools of similar size and selectivity,
the robust Explorations curriculum, caring faculty at the top of their
fields, highly customizable Exploration term, and abundant experiential
internship opportunities culminate in an educational experience that
prepares students to meet the world head-on and make a profound
At Birmingham-Southern we take pride in our tradition of providing
a high-quality liberal arts education; we are pleased with our continued
ability to take a flexible approach to maintaining proven educational goals
and standards; and we value mutual respect among all segments of our
college population. Now that you have an idea of who we are and what
we represent, we hope you will read further in our catalog and consider
carefully our degree requirements, curriculum, and co-curricular activities.
We hope you will choose to be an active member of our community.
General Charles C. Krulak
Birmingham-Southern College
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