2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 62

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Art (AR)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts
Steven F. Cole, James Neel, Kevin Shook, Pamela Venz
The faculty of art offers courses that introduce students to the visual
arts, both as observers and participants. Beginning courses are open to
students with no previous training. In addition, there are two programs
for those who wish to concentrate in art. One leads to the B.F.A. degree
in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, or sculpture. The other
leads to the B.A. degree in studio art with emphasis in drawing, painting,
photography, printmaking, or sculpture. Tutorial or contracted courses
cannot substitute for required art history courses.
With the approval of his or her advisor, an art major may elect a
maximum of two teaching experiences in the area of concentration. This
is done in either the sophomore, junior, or senior year by enrolling in AR
298, 398, or 498.
Students with a studio concentration must demonstrate that they are
competent to undertake college-level work in the visual arts. Students in
the B.F.A. or B.A. in studio art may enroll in 400-level studio concentration
courses upon approval of a proposal to study advanced subject matter,
concepts, and techniques.
Upon completion of the art major, students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge and conceptual understanding of the visual
apply knowledge of the visual arts creatively,
communicate visually,
develop an analytical and interpretative approach to the visual arts,
solve problems and make decisions relevant to the visual arts.
Major Requirements
B.F.A. in Studio Art (17 units):
AR 111
AR 112
AR 150 and 250
four units in art history (ARH), at least two of which must be from ARH
114, 215, or 216
five units of studio art at the 300 level or above; if concentrating in a
single discipline, at least three of these units must be in the area of
concentration (drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, or
sculpture); at least one of these units must be outside the area of
concentration (drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, or
sculpture); two disciplines may be combined for a concentration
with two units in each discipline required, the fifth unit may be in
either discipline
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