2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 68

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Art History (ARH)
Bachelor of Arts
Timothy B. Smith, Kathleen Spies
The program in art history aims to develop visual literacy in today’s
world through courses offered for those pursing a major or minor in the
field, as well as those seeking general education credit. Emphasis is placed
on the critical examination of visual culture, from antiquity to the present,
with works of art and architecture considered from the standpoint of
their original historical contexts. A degree in art history prepares students
for graduate study in the discipline and/or for a wide range of careers,
including museum and gallery work, teaching, art criticism and journalism,
art conservation, and arts management; it also provides a solid liberal-arts
foundation for further study leading to professional vocations such as law,
pharmacy, and ministry.
Upon completion of the art history major, students will be able to
utilize art historical terminology and techniques,
analyze artworks within a social-historical context,
explain theoretical models and practical research methodologies in
the discipline,
demonstrate written and oral communication skills.
Major Requirements
The following courses are required (12 units):
ARH 114
ARH 215
ARH 216
six additional units in art history (ARH), with at least two focused on
art pre-1800 and at least two on art post-1800
two units in studio art (AR) at the 100 level
ARH 473
Minor Requirements
The following courses are required (5 units):
ARH 215
ARH 216
two additional units in art history (ARH)
one unit in studio art (AR) at the 100 level
Art history majors with studio art minors may use ARH 215 and/or ARH
216 to satisfy both major and minor requirements. However, art history
courses at the 300 level and above cannot be used to satisfy both major and
minor requirements.
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