2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 59

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Accounting (AC)
George Klersey
Major Requirements
No major or minor is offered in accounting.
Courses in Accounting
AC 221 Accounting I (1)
An introductory study of financial statement analysis and accounting
principles and techniques. Fall, Spring.
AC 222 Accounting II (1)
Special attention to accounting for manufacturing and the preparation
and analysis of accounting statements. Prerequisite: AC 221. Fall,
AC 321 Intermediate Accounting I (1)

Advanced concepts of financial accounting. The accounting
environment along with the accounting theory as it pertains to general-
purpose external reporting by business enterprises underlying these
concepts is studied. Techniques for accounting for assets and current
liabilities are examined. Prerequisites: AC 221 and 222.
AC 322 Intermediate Accounting II (1)

Examination of financial statement analysis and full disclosure
requirements, along with techniques in accounting for debt, capital
transactions, adjustments, income taxes, pensions and leases.
Prerequisite: AC 321 and a “C” or better in all previous AC courses.
AC 324 Cost Accounting (1)

Analysis and techniques of recording, measuring, and reporting cost
information to reflect inventory valuation and income or loss of
business entities for internal and external reporting and decision-
making purposes. Prerequisite: AC 222.
AC 341 Income Tax (1)

A study of Federal income tax laws, research procedures, tax return
preparation, and tax planning relating to individuals.
AC 342 Income Tax II (1)
A study of Federal income tax laws, research procedures, tax return
preparation, and tax planning relevant to corporations, partnerships,
and tax-exempt entities, with an overview of taxation of international
transactions. Prerequisites: AC 322 and a “C” or better in all previous
AC courses.
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